Nike ID Contest Winners - Mt. Gleason Middle School
Follow up to August Nike LA Region Office Coaches Clinic
By Doug Speck - Editor DyeStatCal

photos by Vida Rabizadeh

photos of the Nov 14th Award Winners at Mt. Gleason MS (Sunland)

You may remember from our summary of the great ‘Nike Coaches’ Clinic’ in early August that a contest would be held to see which of California’s teams could put together the most shoe designs at  Nike promised a pizza feed out at the school site for the winners, with kind of a surprising result as a middle school came out the winners! Site

It turns out that one of those ‘Pied Pipers’ of running, teacher Craig Moss, from Mt. Gleason Middle School in Sunland (located northwest of Glendale as a part of the Los Angeles School District) has developed a running program at the school site that has literally hundreds of students involved.  As Craig indicates in the interview questions below, he was a football player who wanted to lose some weight and fell in love with running.  His personal participation in the 2003 LA Marathon led to interest by enough students that a training group was formed, with a yearly build-up and the participation of the youngsters in the March event of over 26 miles.  An amazing 131 students from the school finished last year’s LA Marathon XXI, and it is hoped that over 150 from the school will cover the distance this year. 

Coach Moss obviously succeeds in keeping it fun and interesting for the student/athletes involved, but the group enjoys a challenge, with the recent shoe design challenge not the first contest won by his enterprising program, as in the below interview he indicates their previous successes in a Nike Essay contest and ‘Kids Fitness Challenge.’

Nike materials plus explanation of the Nike+ system

Vida Rabizadeh from Nike’s LA Region Office brought the Nike+ Mobile Truck and gear out to Mt. Gleason in mid-November for a gathering of the couple hundred runners involved in the winning program there.  Forty runners that day were able to try the Nike+ system for their run that day after a demo that showed them the unique tie in of Nike+ shoes and the ipod sports kit that adds so much to the training experience.  The visual workout information, blending of workouts to music, and voice feedback along the way is always a hit with anyone who comes in contact with Nike+. 


A workout by the squad the day of the Nike gathering was followed by pizza, snacks, a couple of short movies about the Nike+ system, and a challenge to the school to have 1000 students sign up for accounts to work with.

Student comments usually centered around, “Where can I buy this?  I have to have it!  This is so cool, I never knew about this before today!”

With general fitness in our society such a huge issue for young people as crowded and complicated as life is for them in these times, it was really inspirational to learn about the running program for the hundreds of students at Mt. Gleason, Coach Moss, and their successes in so many areas.    


Coach Moss was good enough to answer some questions about himself and his fine program that follows:

1) So how did the get together with the Nike rep go after you guys won the contest for shoe designs?
 The get-together was a great event for our team.  They (Nike) paid for pizza, cookies, pretzels, and Gatorade for our entire team 150+ runners to enjoy after a short, easy practice.  They also brought enough Nike shoes, IPods, and the Nike+ systems for every runner who wanted to borrow one for the practice could.  Finally, they showed a brief video on the Nike+ system and had giveaways.  Overall, the kids loved it and are extremely interested in the Nike+ system.   
2) I was kind of surprised that a middle school would win a contest that Nike would have involving shoe designs, but understand running is a big activity at Mount Gleason Middle School.  Could you give us a bit of background about your self and the running program at your facility? 
 I was an extremely overweight kid who lost weight as a young adult through running and thus fell in love with running.  A few years ago we joined Students Run LA, a program offered to Los Angeles Unified Schools that increases student’s self-esteem and academics through marathon training.  We started with 23 kids finishing the LA marathon in March of 2004.  Since then our numbers have increased each year.  63 in 2005, 107 in 2006, 131 in 2007, and this year we are looking at over 150 middle school kids finishing the LA marathon.  Along the way we race all distances from 5K’s to the marathon and this year we even tried a triathlon which was a huge success.  Our favorite race distance is the 10K and our favorite race is the Nike Women’s ½ marathon in San Francisco which Nike has paid for us to go to the last 2 years in a row, including bus transportation, entrance fees, and accommodations.  We even volunteer at a few races and triathlons each year to give back.
I guess our success can be attributed to my dedication to my team (I haven’t missed a practice in 4 plus years including summers) and my passion for running.  The kids pick up on my passion the first day the sign-up and it lasts all season

3) How did you gain the students' interest in the shoe design contest, and roughly how many took part?
 The shoe contest was easy.  Our team is highly competitive and wants to win at everything.  We won a Nike essay contest one year, The Kids Fitness challenge twice out of 3 years (second the other time), and always have the most participants at any race.  So for them it was a matter of team pride and not wanting to lose.  In fact I told them they were in second place by over 70 shoes with one week to go and that night they ID’ed over 100 shoes. 
I don’t know the final number but it was well over 300.  It may even have been in the 500 range.
4) With physical fitness of our nation's youth a huge issue of concern, what is the magic that you think you have been able to find in your situation to have these young people be so active?

 Like I touched on earlier, since I Iost weight and am so passionate about physical fitness the kids pick up on it quickly.  Plus I try to make it fun as often as possible by always joking with them when I run next to them and goof around on the bus rides and at races. 
5) Are there any follow-up activities that you have planned with Nike representatives after your mid-November get together at your school?

 They wanted to see if we could get as many students to sign-up for their own Nike ID account.   For those that signed up they would receive a free Nike backpack.  We already have over 200 ID’s done in less than a week.  Other than that, we don’t have anything planned until The Nike Run Hit Remix in September.

Congratulations Coach Moss and group - Best of Luck in the future
Doug Speck

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